Saturday, February 13, 2010

Plank Fink th' Sno Boarder

Neee ! This handsome chap is Plank Fink. Hez a Sno Boarder & diggs Ponjin' th' Pow [Punching the Powder] - if you know what I mean. I wanted to do something besides cars for a change. Some of my customers are not groovin' on th' style in th' sketches I sent them, so I gotta fall back & regroup.

I have been thinking of some different "Finks" I could do, stuff Ed might have set hiz art staff on if he was still with us and still had th' ROTH Studio going. Be looking for more un-sane goolz & crazies to in the future.

Header title and mug shot. Ya just gotta luv this guy...

Rippin th' pow, dude ! Crispy, absolutely CRISPY !
Bill DeGaine & Barbra Kirkham didn't like the layout for
their Kar Art, th' `56 Ford Pick Up & th' Betty Boop Fink,
so I'll finish those two pieces for myself and
try to get them what they want as soon as possible.
Fink on Bruthaz & Sistaz - RatzO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job RATZO good work, smart to regroup sometimes as an artist, I know I have to, seems the new creations come not from the old, but from the new.
You are an inspiration
Thanks for sharing the Plank Fink.
Gotta love that name! I'll be sure to send folks your way!
JD of the Tetons