Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Winnerz !

The Teton County Fair went well this year. 2 Blue Ribbons !
The one on the Left side was won by the, "Mr. Lonely" toilet seat.
Comment on the back of the entry card reads, "Nicely done.
You are a GREAT designer with excellent drawing skills.
Keep it up !" Signed- FAK
The ribbon on th' Right was won by the Base Ball Head sculpture.
The comment on the back of the entry card reads, "Very unusual !"
That is what is said when the viewer doesn't really care for the artists
work, but does not want to offend them. Sort of like saying, "That's nice."
Yeah, very unusual indeed - and there is more of it from where that one came from!
Thanxz to all the judges @ the T.C. Fair this year, I'm mighty pleased !

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