Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hay ! Th' end of September marked the end of road for another JH local busness. Marc Loebe of the Board Room shut down as th' origional owner, but put on a bash of sorts for all hiz loyal kustomerz. Above art work was a G.O.O.B. gift from me to Marc. I hung out & "directed" all (or MOST of all) of the attendees to come sign the border of the finished piece. Once totally signed, it got popped in a frame and presented to Th' Board Dude ! He wuz speachless... He liked it ! It was all worth it. Keep on finkin' Bro !

Detail shot of Long Board Fink...

15 years of service to th' comunity - Hate to see ya go !

Sun down for th' Board Room...
Wave By-By !

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