Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hay ! Th' end of September marked the end of road for another JH local busness. Marc Loebe of the Board Room shut down as th' origional owner, but put on a bash of sorts for all hiz loyal kustomerz. Above art work was a G.O.O.B. gift from me to Marc. I hung out & "directed" all (or MOST of all) of the attendees to come sign the border of the finished piece. Once totally signed, it got popped in a frame and presented to Th' Board Dude ! He wuz speachless... He liked it ! It was all worth it. Keep on finkin' Bro !

Detail shot of Long Board Fink...

15 years of service to th' comunity - Hate to see ya go !

Sun down for th' Board Room...
Wave By-By !

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twin Cities Wing Nutz fly again !

Mr. Waller from MN requested a logo for his RC airplane club based on the "Wing Nut" design I did awhile back. Here is a slightly off color image of the line art for the new logo.

Winnerz !

The Teton County Fair went well this year. 2 Blue Ribbons !
The one on the Left side was won by the, "Mr. Lonely" toilet seat.
Comment on the back of the entry card reads, "Nicely done.
You are a GREAT designer with excellent drawing skills.
Keep it up !" Signed- FAK
The ribbon on th' Right was won by the Base Ball Head sculpture.
The comment on the back of the entry card reads, "Very unusual !"
That is what is said when the viewer doesn't really care for the artists
work, but does not want to offend them. Sort of like saying, "That's nice."
Yeah, very unusual indeed - and there is more of it from where that one came from!
Thanxz to all the judges @ the T.C. Fair this year, I'm mighty pleased !

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Teton C[o]unty Fair Entry No. 2 - 2010

OK, this is Baseball Head... I'm not going into all the details of the Main title & th' Alt title, all that is in an older post. What IS new is th' nifty display box he is in. Th' guys @ th' glass shop were not able to get my plexi cube finished in time, so I made one myself. I actually found all the stuff in town [THIS town] to get this made. Hats off to K-Mart, 4A Engraving and Scumrise Hardware & Lumber. W/O them, this neva' wooda' happened.

I'll report later on the reaction from th' judges to this years entries. Hasta !

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Teton C[o]unty Fair Entry - 2010

Howdee Pard ! Some of yall may recall seeing this in "Older Posts." The first one of these was finished for the 8th Annual Rat fink Reunion this year. Auctioned off for $60 I think. Anyway, I had a "hole" on my wall where the 1st one hung, so I decided to paint one for myself... And why not enter th' fool thang in th' fair while I'm at it ? Gotta' break these Rocky Mnt. types into th' Kustom Kulture kinda' slow like - ya dig ?

This is a slightly more detailed version of the 1st one I painted. Base Ball Head will hopefully be entered in th' fair as well. I gotta' find something for him to live in. It'll keep th' grubby paws from breaking him.

Laterz gang !

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mr. Gasser Shirt Request

Back in June @ the Fink Reunion, the Cassilino's stopped by my set up and requested a t-shirt. Seems th' Mister wanted a copy of the model box art from the 1964 Revell kit on his shirt.
Original model kit box - 1964

I was able to find an original kit in the museum and sketched the design...

Once back @ th' studio I finally had some time to start working on it...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mr. Gasser

The process started out slowly, a little here, a little there. The week end came and I had some uninterrupted time to devote to finishing it up.

Red & green laid on. Image is starting to take shape...

Black outline. Now that is a whole lot moe betta' !

Finished product. Item was wrapped, packaged and shipped. Happy Birthday !
I received an e-mail from the wife informing me the shirt arrived in time. Ol' boy loves it but is afraid to wear it - he doesn't want to get it dirty !
Fink on peopleez !

Friday, June 25, 2010

Did ya ever wonda... ?!

Howdee ! This heah is In - Fink. I was pondering a couple of years ago, just what would Rat Fink have looked like as a baby ? Well, here ya go, it's In - Fink, th' infant R.F.

Robby Layton of Layton, Utah (No relation) axed me to fink out his tiny new son's Onezee, and this is what he got ! The actual item is small - the graphic for this is only 7 1/2" X 10 1/2".

The R.F. Reunion was a blast. I'll post some flixz of that later. - Luv, RatzO

Friday, May 28, 2010

Two-fer th' Road

Wow ! My 1st Toilet Seat... I'm getting ready for th' 8th annual Rat Fink Reunion in Manti, Utah next month. And yes, this is my 1st toilet seat. Some of the other artists at th' have painted TS @ past reunions, while I was always stuck working on the awards required for the events held during the 3 day do. Well this year, I have th' awards finished ahead of time, so I get to work on things I want to !

Since I refuse to flat copy ANY Roth Studio work, this graphic is a combination of the art from the water slide decals, "LONESOME," and "PRAY FOR SURF," with some of my own modifications added for good measure. So even though this LOOKS like some Roth Studio work, it is not an exact copy, and is actually a NEW piece of art work. This will likely go to the benefit auction. Fink of that !

Neeee ! This is "Helmet Fink" airbrushed in colour. H.F. was bornd-ed in January of this year, copyrighted, & then stashed in a drawer. (Finks like drawers.) Anyway, I figured I'd try my hand @ a color version as the original is supposed to be inked/ black & white.
A tribute piece of sorts, to Ed "Big Daddy" Roth. Th' fink's helmet reads, "PRIDE of MAYWOOD `59 - `70" and "Venice Beach California."

1959 was th' year Ed opened his own studio & rod shop in Maywood, California; not far from Bell, California, the place where he grew up. Roth Studios closed its doors in 1970 after an all too short but successful run.
Venice Beach is the closest beach to Roth Studios. If one were to travel due west of, "Th' House of Rat Fink," you would end up on Venice Beach !

I plan to etch a set of 6 beer mugs this weekend. Flixz of those to come soon. - RatzO out !

Sunday, February 28, 2010

New "Wing Nut" Logo

I was going through a stack o' stuff and found a sheet wit' some ol' sketchez on it.

"Wing Nut" was bornded back in 2007 but never committed to a full sized, finished

piece of art werk. Well "Wing Nut" is here now, and finished. This will make a swell

T- Shirt design, or for th' right price, it could become someones' really neat product

logo. I'm just sayin'...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Boop Fink - Generic Ink

"Made of pen and ink, she's a foxy lit-tle Fink ! Ain't she cute,
Boo Boop - be - Doop, [Betty] Boop Fink !"
The original customer was not satisfied with the sketches I sent her
for her "Boop Fink." I'll see her in June and hopefully bang out an
agreement on a finished piece of art for her.
At any rate, here is the generic ink of th' Boop. I will have prints
of this to air brush and ink in more details tomorrow. May just
get a colored example finished this week end.

I kinda like her. She is Boop-ish without being an exact copy.
I'm not keen on gettin' sued. I just couldn't bring myself to do
a horrible monster type Boop. This one comes off pretty well,
I think.
The color versions will be sooo kewl...
I can hardley wait.

This is the, "Eight Ball - Bat !" Another copyrighted/ trade marked creature of mine.
You can tell everyone you saw it here first... or not ! I have never seen one of these,
so it is an original by me as far as I know. It is NOT a copy from anything anyway.
Gotta dash, or as they say in Louisana, "Gotta - !" (`Cause th' - don't be silent !) - RatzO

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Plank Fink th' Sno Boarder

Neee ! This handsome chap is Plank Fink. Hez a Sno Boarder & diggs Ponjin' th' Pow [Punching the Powder] - if you know what I mean. I wanted to do something besides cars for a change. Some of my customers are not groovin' on th' style in th' sketches I sent them, so I gotta fall back & regroup.

I have been thinking of some different "Finks" I could do, stuff Ed might have set hiz art staff on if he was still with us and still had th' ROTH Studio going. Be looking for more un-sane goolz & crazies to in the future.

Header title and mug shot. Ya just gotta luv this guy...

Rippin th' pow, dude ! Crispy, absolutely CRISPY !
Bill DeGaine & Barbra Kirkham didn't like the layout for
their Kar Art, th' `56 Ford Pick Up & th' Betty Boop Fink,
so I'll finish those two pieces for myself and
try to get them what they want as soon as possible.
Fink on Bruthaz & Sistaz - RatzO

Sunday, February 7, 2010

DeGaine `56 Ferd Pick Up - Fink Driver

Driver for th' `56 Ford Pick up. All awaiting approval.

DeGaine `56 Ferd Pick Up

Bill DeGaine of Banning, California is getting hiz `56 Ford Pick up Truck finked out !
Above is the initial body sketch. Now approved, I'm proceeding with detail sketches
for approval.

Sketch of engine, tires, smoke & flames. Finished product is to be in color with a 1950's style police care chasing from behind. [Is there any better place to chase from?!] Once approved, the driver will be the last thing to pencil in before the real work starts.

The Popo - vintage 1950's. This old Ply-mouth cruiser will be flying over a distant hill behind Mr. DeGaine's perdy blue 1956 Ford truck. Moe on th' way... (Hay Moe !!!)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Old Skool RatzO - Circa 1981

Hi ! This finky l'il guy is the frist RatzO I ever did way back in 1981. I found him today as I was going through another stack O' stuff. I'll ink him in and do a side-by-side with th' current RatzO and the NEW modifide RatzO I'm working on. I'm trying to refine him & make him simpler as the current version is too detailed to render quickly. More finky stuff to come...
Old Skool inked Ratzo - 1

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Boop Fink - a - Doop !

B. Kirkham of Manti, Utah axked me to Fink out her 1954 Chevy 4 door @ last years R.F. Reunion. She is a Betty Boop fan, so naturally there HAD to be a Boop Fink driving.

I went for "sassy" & not "scary" cuz, well... Its Betty Boop for kryin' out loud !! Above is the
sketch. I'll send off some contact sheets for approval on Monday. Too bad she wants this in B&W, it would look sooo kewl in kolor !

I suppose this could actually be more of a "Betty Boob" than a "Boop," but I don't want to hear any noise from the copyright holder so I changed her up a bit. I think shez kinda hawt - for a cartoon that is...

I didn't go too wild with the power plant either. One, the angle the car is in; it's more nose up than some of the others I've drawn in the past, thus presenting less of an area to render a monster engine. I wanted to kinda tone down the Finkness in this drawing for the customers sake and for respect for the character driving this crate ! I like th' Boop too...

Just a prelem idea for th' headers. I am already thinking about changing them up a bit. There will also be a huge, smokin' drag slick in the rear, and plenty of flames in the finished product.
This one will be fun... I hope I get the green light to finish it soon. - RatzO

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Two years in th' making - Featuring A cast of ThOuSanDs !

Chuck, of th' R.F. Reunion fame axked me to do a `57 Raunch Vagen for him in 2008. I have been real tied up with care for Mom and little time for art work. Well, I found a rare "To-it" at Orvills [Now closed] here in Jerkson. Not the usual square kind, but a rare round one. After I purchased it, I then had a chance to get this completed for him. PhonBooty! - RatzO

Latest Stuff

Basic sketch of the Rubio Vee Dub - Awaiting approval...
If I don't get approval on the various jobz I've taken in, it is certain I will finish them
and use them for my own purposes. The art will go to th' car owner, or th' masses, a "win/ win" situation no matter how you look @ it.

The Rubio Vee Dub @ th' 2009 Midnoght @ th' Oasis, Yuma, Arizona.
First Kar Art form last season. I'll be posting more soon.

Latest of the Character Finkz... This is "Helmut Fink" & he would look
GREAT in color, with your favorite Surpf Shop logo on hiz haid bone armor !
More of this junk to come - Keep on Finkin' !
RatzO, Out !